Slate human interest
Slate human interest

slate human interest

The Most Hated Wedding Trend Is Good, Actually As long as this is happening “sometimes” rather than “all the time,” I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I’m willing to bet that the kids feel the same way about you on occasion, but that doesn’t mean you don’t love one another. The fact that you stay positive and quiet instead of losing your shit and yelling at the kids in these moments of frustration puts you way ahead of me and most of the other parents I know. It’s absolutely normal to be angered and frustrated by children. Did someone tell you all parents like their kids 100 percent of the time? Especially when they’re teenagers?! Oh honey, no. I adore the sweet, concerned, and so, so naive place that this question is coming from. Is it OK to not like them sometimes or do I need to work on this?

slate human interest

I can honestly say that I’ve never raised my voice or lashed out. I know they’ve been confused when I’ve excused myself and spent a few hours in the bedroom alone.

slate human interest

I’m sure that sometimes they pick up on my frustration, but I’m careful to remain positive or simply quiet. When I get frustrated or on occasion angry, I remove myself and sit somewhere quiet. Or maybe I intensely dislike their behavior? It’s in the moment, not forever. Just like I was at their age! But on those occasions, I just don’t like them. Sometimes they are messy, condescending, inconsiderate, and self-centered. They are genuinely good kids who have been incredibly welcoming to me. This is my uncomfortable question: Is it OK to just not like the kids sometimes? To be clear, I love them. We’ve been together five years and living together for four. Have a question about kids, parenting, or family life? Submit it here !

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